Friday, May 27, 2011

15 Quick Tips for Career Happiness and Success

1).Understand that career happiness involves doing what you love. 

Understand that career success is excelling at doing what you love. 

3).Invest your emotions into your trade but detach your trade from a specific employer.

4).A higher salary buys temporary comfort, not prolonged happiness. 

Be social and friendly with your boss, but do not attempt to be his or her best friend. 

Make at least one good friend at work you can trust. 

Follow in the footsteps of a mentor you can learn from. 

Be the expert. Never stop perfecting your trade.
9).Always except a challenge, especially if your superiors are watching.

If you are really miserable, do not be afraid to make a drastic career change. Just make sure you plan for it.

When it comes to your colleagues… Be patient. Be tolerant.

When it comes to your boss… Be respectful. Go out of your way to assist him or her any chance you get.

You will make mistakes. Learn through each of your mistakes and never allow the fear of making one hold you back.

Do not stall on taking the first step in any task. The first step is always the hardest, and once taken, it sets up the momentum needed to more easily knock out the remaining steps.

Make your own career choices. There is no good reason to let someone else do this for you.


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